October 14, 2023

PDN Endorses USC's Neely Center's Design Code for Social Media

PDN signs USC Neely Center's Design Code for Social Media, with a codicil.

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PDN signs USC Neely Center's Design Code for Social Media, with a codicil.

Today, the Prosocial Design Network joins the Center for Human Technology, and dozens of scholars and technologists, in signing onto USC Neely Center's Design Code for Social Media. The Code recommends a set of standards and best practices for platforms to adopt in order to better serve individuals and society.

In endorsing the code, we add our own codicil to the Code's recommendation regarding parental controls:

PDN recommends that any controls should align with the scientific consensus on healthy developmental milestones. We also encourage technologists to explore ways to protect the autonomy and privacy of at-risk LGBTQ adolescents.

PDN applauds the Neely Center for taking on the important and difficult task of identifying standards, which can not only reflect the responsible tech community's broad range of concerns and knowledge, but also serve as a rallying point for this community.

We look forward to seeing how this, and future, endeavors to find consensus can amplify the impact of all our efforts in building a healthier internet.

About the Prosocial Design Network

The Prosocial Design Network researches and promotes prosocial design: evidence-based design practices that bring out the best in human nature online. Learn more at prosocialdesign.org.

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